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Alchemy Design Project

Where Hope Lives    Where Hope Thrives

 Alchemy Design Project Story

Alchemy Design Project is an initiative created by Sydney Scherr in 2012 (originally known as the Alchemy Project) while developing, directing and teaching the only Jewelry Design (and production) Degree college program in Malaysia. Scherr traveled to Cambodia to bring in the New Year with her Khmer friends, Bopha Sok and Srey Mau.  "Bopha Sok and I took a walk in a small village on the outskirts of Siem Reap, I met two sisters-10 and 11 years old, and we became friends. They were sweet and innocent, and as we shared meals they shared their stories.  They told me they were in the sex trade having been trafficked by their mother. Their harsh reality shocked me, but inspired me to reimagine the futures of trafficked children".  Alchemy Design Project is a simple, sustainable solution promoting vocational alternatives to the sex trade that create immediate income opportunities for survivors. Without vocational alternatives, too many young survivors get lost to another harsh reality: that of re-trafficking, just to survive.


Apply the 3 V's!:  Vacations, Volunteerism and Vocational training!

Recognize that each one of us has an opportunity to share a few days of our vacation travel to  create life-changing opportunities that impact children's futures, simply by teaching what you know! YOU will be able to build pathways for a survivors financial freedom and independence from exploitation.  Education is the key, and training that supports marketable skills enables children to experience personal self-esteem, pride and hope.  Each child is provided a tool and material supply set appropriate to the skills you are sharing.  No child should have a financial burden when beginning their journey to personal empowerment.

In 2022 Alchemy Design Project received non-profit status to facilitate becoming the global resource Scherr always envisioned. Come autumn, 2023,  ADP will offer logistical and financial supplies support to eager travelers who want to do something remarkable while on vacation, in addition to site seeing!  The ADP will help connect you with Non-governments Organizations working with survivors. We will help fund teaching materials, were we are able, and get the materials to your destination.

All it takes is the desire to share your time and knowledge, compassion, empathy and a non-judgemental heart!

My young friends

the children who inspired me to reimagine the futures of trafficked children


Releasing Butterflies: The Alchemy Design Project 

I think of teaching young survivors as releasing butterflies. Radiantly beautiful, delicate, strong and fragile: butterflies are able to fly 1000's of miles; however, if the dust on their wings is disturbed they may become flightless. Teaching these brave, strong and resilent young women has been the gift of my lifetime. They have shown me where hope lives and thrives. They have changed my life, and everyone who has had the privilege to work with these remarkable young women have had their lives changed, too! 
Their hearts are wide open with passion and HOPE to create a better world for themselves, and to become contributing members of their communities.

TEDxAtlanta 2023

I am honored to be giving a talk at TEDxAtlanta, where I will tell the Alchemy Design Project story, and
your opportunity to get involved!  
Everyone has something to teach and I want to encourage a tidal wave of volunteer teachers to participate...and  you will  realize that your gift of time and knowledge has the power
to change your life, and the lives of many survivors!

Your participation will change the world!


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The joy of transforming lives
  Survivors faces are obscured to protect their privacy and safety

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